Reference Solutions

Reference Solutions is a database that provides information about businesses across platforms.

The databases include information such as sales volume (estimated), number of employees (estimated), company name, phone number, key executives, SIC/NAICS codes, websites, and more.
The U.S. Standard White Pages included 156 million residents. The information contained includes name, phone number, address, city, county, state, estimated home value, estimated home income, zip code, metro area. People from a given radius and more.

The U.S. Consumers/Lifestyle includes over 275 million residents. The information contained includes name, phone number address, city, county, state, estimated home value, estimated home income, zip code, metro area. The added benefit of this database is the lifestyles. These are interest categories through collection of data about the individual. These categories include apparel, arts, hobbies, collectibles, outdoor recreation, photography, politics, purchase behavior.

There are other modules that include other information also. These include US New Movers, US Healthcare, and US Historical Businesses.
You can use this business database to understand a little about your competition, look for prospective customers, find partners to work with to promote your business, and understand your community better.
If you have any questions about this database, talk to your librarian in your local branch.

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