Trustees meet in regular session the second Thursday in June, September and December, usually at 4 p.m. Location varies.
In addition, a regular session is in the first quarter, with an Annual Meeting at which officers are elected. Five trustees are elected to a three-year term at each Annual Meeting.
Fifteen trustees are voting; two are non-voting.
Director and Chief Executive Officer Aimee Fifarek
Officers of the Library Board of Trustees
Carole S. Weimer
Vice President
Mariel Sallee
Chief Financial Officer
Mark J. Mrofchak*
Deputy Financial Officer / Board Secretary
Tina McBane*
Members of the Library Board of Trustees
(alphabetical listing)
Denise Glinatsis Bayer
Alexa Sweeney Blackann, Mahoning County Educational Service Center Seat
Timothy Bresnahan
Delores Crawford, Ohio State Senator Seat
Angela Duskey
Thomas M. Frost, Mahoning County Commissioner’s Seat
James J. Meehan, Friends of the PLYMC Seat
Mariel Sallee
Judith Schmutz, Youngstown State University Foundation Seat
JoAnn Stock
Ron Strollo, Youngstown State University Board of Trustees Seat
Jamie Viano
Carole S. Weimer
Ralph T. Meacham*, Mahoning County Auditor (*Non-Voting)
The Honorable Jamael Tito Brown*, Mayor, City of Youngstown (*Non-Voting)
Trustees Emeriti – Designates 15 years or more on the Board of Trustees
Dr. David Ritchie
Millicent Counts
Alex Benyo