The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County (PLYMC) is seeking community input on an exciting process to enhance and improve library facilities.

The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County is seeking community input on an exciting process to enhance and improve library facilities. To better serve Mahoning County in the years to come this process will help ensure that library spaces meet the future needs of residents in the community. The Public Library invites everyone to give feedback to shape an exciting future together. 

As part of the Facilities Master Plan, the library is asking for community members to share their thoughts on how library facilities and services can adapt to better meet the needs of the Valley moving forward. Starting February 1 and running until February 14, members of the community are invited to come to one of the library branches and give their input at one of the feedback boards, which will be publicly displayed.  

Feedback boards will be set up in each location to allow people to share their thoughts based on the survey results and goals of the Facilities Master Plan. Participants will answer questions like what library space they value most and what spaces they want to see as part of the library. These spaces might include children and teen areas to foster a love of reading and learning, or outdoor spaces.  

“We want to listen to the community to continue to find ways to create spaces that facilitate the love of lifelong reading and literacy, learning, creativity, and make community collaboration possible. The facilities master planning process is the way in which we undergo a broad community study and seek input to help shape nearly every major facilities decision we make as a library system,” said Aimee Fifarek, Director & CEO of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County.”  

The library would like to thank community leaders, patrons, interested individuals, and staff for their input on this process over the last several weeks. 

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 The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County (PLYMC) has served the Mahoning Valley since 1880 when the Youngstown Library Association was officially created. With 14 branches across Mahoning County, including Main Library in downtown Youngstown, PLYMC is well known for its signature services and programs like Summer Discovery and 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. PLYMC serves our communities by preparing children for kindergarten, promoting early literacy, assisting job seekers, connecting Valley residents to technology, and providing resources for small businesses.  

We welcome your respectful and on-topic comments and questions in this limited public forum. To find out more, please see Appropriate Use When Posting Content. Community-contributed content represents the views of the user, not those of The Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County