Computer Source
The latest information and current trends in high technology.
The latest information and current trends in high technology.
An all-in-one resource, EBSCOhost is the portal to a number of databases that provide full text articles from magazines, newspapers, reference books, and more in various disciplines. Database focus varies from general/popular to academic and from grade school level to college/professional level.
Fiero Code Club is a learn-to-code software for the kids in your library community. Through Fiero Code, kids ages 8-18 will find an engaging experience as they learn how to code.
ProDemand contains automotive diagnostic and repair information for most foreign and domestic cars and trucks from model year 1983 to the present. Includes service manuals, wiring diagrams, factory technical service bulletins, and maintenance schedules and tables.
For anyone looking to improve their skills with computers, software, or technology, this is a self-directed assessment and learning tool that covers a variety of technology scenarios. It comes complete with short lessons and practice exercises to improve skills on a number of common computer topics. The Northstar resource is available 24×7 and library staff are available to help with the resource during regular hours.
Repair manuals and wiring diagrams for consumer electronics devices including TVs and radios.
This reference database provides detailed yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines. All of the content is organized in a powerful, easy-to-use manner so that users can quickly find the information they need.
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